The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.
B. B. King
reconnecting movement

"Thank you for all you did to help me get back on my bike.  It is amazing how your attention and the exercises made such an impact on getting me beyond that cycle of hip pain and back actively cycling, snow shoeing and hiking."

~Todd Odgers


"There has not been a day since my return from Switzerland that I haven't thought of you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking me from being afraid to move, to having the confidence and ability to hike along the Haute Route in the Swiss Alps with my husband, for our 30 year wedding anniversary celebration."

~Helena Lang (L4-5 disc rupture May 2015)


"I feel fortunate to have been referred to Essential Kinetics after trying a number of treatment methods after my car accident.  You are patient and knowledgeable, offering just enough push to keep me motivated and challenged.  You ensured that I understand the exercises so that I can keep them up at home.  I have been encouraged and feel stronger and hopeful that with continued work, the negative impact of my injury will be a distant memory.  I highly recommend Essential Kinetics"

~Jacqueline Pasquali


"Thanks to your program I am enjoying so much more of a pain-free existence.  Years ago, my challenges with scoliosis made me feel this would not have been possible.  I'd re-aggravate the same area every time I'd exercise and would require extensive manual therapy to recover.  After being an athlete all my life, that wasn't a lot of fun.  Rehab as your main sport without results doesn't cut it.  With your expertise, I have learned what I CAN DO and have come far in reducing the pain in everyday life.  I understand better which exercises work for me and don't require constant manual therapy to manage my back pain.  The progress since working with you is quite amazing.  When frustrations arise, I know if anyone can get me back on track, moving and feeling motivated again, it is you."

~ Cathy, Phys. Ed. Teacher


"When I see Tara, as soon as she starts talking, I am confident I am in good hands.  Over the past 6 years being a fairly competitive marathoner, I have seen many physios and Tara's approach as a Kinesiologist, using exercise as the mode for recovery, has benefited me the most.  There have been times I thought I'd have to back out of an event, like the Boston Marathon, but she had me up and running in no time.  I have full confidence and send my clients to see her, knowing they are in the best hands possible.  She knows the body, and she knows athletics and how they connect.  The interesting part is that Tara gets you going so quickly that repeat appointments are not often necessary."

~ Mike Porter, Owner of Cadence Vancouver


"Thank you for reviewing my videos and analyzing my body in motion.  I know I am in good hands and although I feel this is going to be another level of learning for my body I am excited about it!  I am very grateful to have you as my movement coach to guide me toward achieving my goals.  To "compassion and empowerment", two great values that are now very meaningful to me, you demonstrate them beautifully."

~ Kahina Morisset, Golfer


"Runners get injured a lot.  Fortunately, I have someone like Tara to send my yoga students to.  I like her because she has a keen understanding of movement dysfunction.  I have plenty of confidence in her abilities to pinpoint problems and make recommendations to help my students return to yoga & pain-free running.  I don't have the slightest hesitation recommending Tara.

~ Mike Dennison, Yoga Made for Runners




With over 25 years experience, Tara Keller is proud to be a recognized leader supporting clients rehab & training initiatives across B.C.


Essential Kinetics supports all efforts to keep our community healthy & reduce the spread of Covid-19.


Please visit my BOOKING page to schedule your online video consultation.