The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.
B. B. King
reconnecting movement

M.A.C.T. Module 2: Adaptive Corrective Training for Injury Management & Economy of Movement - SEPT. 18th REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED
Upcoming Dates TBA


Adaptive movement retraining starts with identifying the joint mechanics within a desired movement pattern and follows with improving the joint articulations and motor control that will guarantee client outcomes and performance measures while mitigating injury.


Find out how to:

  • apply current research and exercise approaches proven to increase multi-joint mobility and functional performance measures
  • implement the principles of functional biomechanics and pain science applications including reflexive neuromotor training, mirroring and progressive adaptation for post-rehabilitation and athletic development
  • apply advanced motor control and retraining strategies to advance client's movement variability.  Provide clients proper regressions and progressions to establish a base of foundational motor control, improve joint articulations and develop higher levels of neuro-motor control for any movement in question




Essential Kinetics - Suite 201, 3077 Granville Street

8:45 – 9:00 Participant Registration & Introduction
9:00 – 10:00 Neuro-developmental Progressions, Joint-by-Joint Approaches to Adaptive Training & Redefining "Functional" Exercise
10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 12:30 Breathing Mechanics: The Missing Link
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 3:30 Addressing Lower Chain Articulations & Mobility
3:30 - 4:30 Addressing Upper Chain Articulations & Mobility
4:30 - 4:50 Advanced Motor Control & Retraining Strategies Revisited
4:50 - 5:00 Final Review & Evaluations

CANCELLATION POLICY:  Cancellations must be received in writing.  An administration fee of $25.00 will apply to all cancellations.  Cancellations received within 2 weeks of the course date will not be provided a refund.


Tara Keller Ng, Hons. B.Sc. (KIN), MES, MACT, FRCms

Tara Keller Ng obtained her Kinesiology degree from the University of Waterloo in Ontario and has been in practice as a Clinical Kinesiologist for over 20 years. She is a Practicing Member under the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists and is certified as a Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms) and a Medical Exercise Specialist (MES). Tara has also certified in Gray Cook’s Functional Movement System™ (FMS) and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) and trained in the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) approach.

Tara was the co-author of “Building a Strong Foundation®”, providing accredited certification in the training of endurance athletes in the gym. She has written articles for several publications and has provided education to Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Kinesiologists, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Pilates and Personal Trainers throughout Canada on functional anatomy, movement assessment and corrective exercises training.

As the founder of Essential Kinetics, based in Vancouver, Tara oversees a team of Clinical Kinesiologists and continues to lead the industry in providing adaptive retraining exercises for injury management and performance enhancement.

Approved by the CSEP, BCAK, CMTBC for 7 CEC credits. Approved by CATA for 3.0 CEU



With over 25 years experience, Tara Keller is proud to be a recognized leader supporting clients rehab & training initiatives across B.C.


Essential Kinetics supports all efforts to keep our community healthy & reduce the spread of Covid-19.


Please visit my BOOKING page to schedule your online video consultation.